


Of What Are We Stewards? 

 As Orthodox Christians we are trustees of God. 
He has given us in trust.  

• The Christian Gospel and Holy Mysteries (Sacraments) 
• Life - our own and those given for a time into our charge (children) 
• Physical Well-being 
• Personal Relationships 
• Time 
• Talents, skills, education and abilities 
• Material possessions, property, wealth 
• Power or authority


The Gospel and Mysteries (Sacraments)

We are called to proclaim the message of Christ to all and to come together with our brothers and sisters to offer our common liturgy to God and make frequent use of the mysteries of God and other means of Grace.


We are to cherish and protect human life, to stand up for the right to life of the weak, the defenseless, the elderly and the unborn. We are to cherish our everlasting life above our mortal life and seek first the Kingdom of God. We are to direct the hearts and minds of our children, grandchildren and others towards the attainment of everlasting life.

Physical Well-being 

We are to care for our own bodies as living temples of the Holy Spirit and not willingly weaken or destroy them by excessive eating, drinking, smoking or use of dangerous drugs.

Personal Relationships 

We are to love others as much as we love ourselves and to be like Christ and to see Christ in even the least and insufferable of our fellow human beings.


Every second and every minute we have is a gift from God. We can give God a portion of this gift by participating in liturgy, volunteering and serving the needs of the Church and sharing our faith. We are to extend Christ's victory into every moment of every day, to "redeem the time" and to "pray without ceasing" and to do all in word or deed in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

Talents, Skills, education and abilities 

God has endowed each one of us with special talents. We are to consecrate to God both our inherent and developed talents, skills, and abilities, and employ these for the building up of Christ's Kingdom. And as there are many and varying gifts, we are to seek our proper place in His Church.

Material Possessions, property and wealth 

We are to hold our material possessions in trust, to provide for our needs and those of our dependents; to care for the poor; to provide for the spreading of the Gospel; to provide for the physical well-being of the Church; to provide for the maintenance of the Ministries of the Church; and to protect our environment for future generations.

Power and Authority 

We must never exercise any office of authority as if the power were our own, but as a trust from God. Jesus Himself said, “All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to me."

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above." (James 1:17)

Let us pray today that we may all be responsible and concerned caretakers of all that God has entrusted to us. As good stewards of this trust, let us be devoted and totally committed to serve God and His Church morally, spiritually, physically and collectively as a family. This is how true happiness and the joy of life are found.