

holy cross icon sm

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Seven counties in the greater San Francisco area have been ordered to “shelter in place” until May 3,  2020, the entire state of California, with no non-essential services being permitted, so as to slow the spreading of this disease.

This restriction affects all churches in the Bay Area, and Serbian parishes will abide by the guidelines of the authorities.

For this reason, our St. John the Baptist Cathedral will continue serving Divine Liturgies without attendance, or rather reducing it to only a couple of chanters who will maintain a social distance of at least six feet from one another. Please be patient in these times of great challenge, and please pray that this pestilence ends soon. Meanwhile, keep up good faith, watch carefully over your neighbors and friends, especially if help is needed. Pray for your family, your Church and for all people who are affected by this virus. Let us hope that God through the work and prayers of good servants will solve crises as soon as possible.

Stay home, pray and be healthy,  I am available to you, so please call if you have any questions or needs, 415-567-5869

Yours in Christ, Fr. Djurica 

Sunday, March 22, 2020 - Weekly Bulletin - Veneration of the Holy Cross – Крстопоклона Недеља  Read More