

Download Banquet Reservation Form

Saint John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Cathedral

Саборни Храм Светог Јована Крститеља

Cordially invites you to their/срдачно вас позива на



Sunday, May 1, 2016

Недеља1. мај 2016

10:30 am Paschal Divine Liturgy

Света Васкршња Литургија

12:30 PM Cocktails

1:00 pm Banquet (lamb dinner) Васкршњи Банкет

Adults/Одрасли $35

Children/Деца (6-12) $15

Children (5 andunder) Децадо 6 годинаfree/бесплатно

All reservations must be received by
Thursday APRIL 28, 2016

EMAIL reservations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or

MAIL reservation slip below to:

Sharon Grgich, 654 Barcelona Drive, Sonoma CA 95476

Questions? Call Sharon415-298-2231or707-938-0550

Make checks payable to St. John’s Serbian Orthodox Church


Is there anyone you like to be seated with at your table?_____________________________________________________________________________

Number of adults (13 and over) attending ______ at $35.00 per person Total $____________

Number of children (6-12) attending __________ at $15.00 per person  Total $____________

Number of children (5 and under) attending________Free

Total Enclosed $____________