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January 2025

Sunday, January 5, 2025
Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM
ОЦИ Orthodox
Father’s day

Monday, January 6, 2025
Бадњи дан -
Divine Liturgy 9:00 AM
Бадње вече -
Vespers 6:00 PM

Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Nativity of Our Lord
Jesus Christ

Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Сабор Пр. Богородице
of the Holy Theotokos
Liturgy 9:00AM

Thursday, January 9, 2025
Saint Archdeacon Stephen

Divine Liturgy 9:00 AM

Saturday, January 11, 2025
8:00 PM New Years Dance
in Church Hall

Sunday, January 12, 2025
Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Св. Василије Велики
Saint Basil the Great
Divine Liturgy 9:00AM

Saturday, January 18, 2025
Крстовдан – Holy Cross Day
Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Sunday, January 19, 2025
Богојављење - Theophany
Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Monday, January 20, 2025
Јовандан- Synaxis of the
Saint John the Baptist

Divine Liturgy 9:00 AM

Sunday, January 26, 2025
Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM
Saint Sava’s Day

Monday, January 27, 2025
Савиндан – St. Sava
Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM






29th Sunday After Pentecost

saint basil

On Tuesday, January 1/14 we celebrate Saint Basil the Great who was born about the end of the year 329 in Caesarea of Cappadocia, to a family renowned for their learning and holiness. His parents' names were Basil and Emily. His mother Emily (commemorated July 19) and his grandmother Macrina (Jan. 14) are Saints of the Church, together with all his brothers and sisters: Macrina, his elder sister (July 19), Gregory of Nyssa (Jan. to), Peter of Sebastia (Jan. 9), and Naucratius. Basil studied in Constantnople under the sophist Libanius, then in Athens, where also he formed a friendship with the young Gregory, a fellow Cappadocian, later called "the Theologian." Through the good influence of his sister Macrina (see July 19), he chose to embrace the ascetical life, abandoning his worldly career. He visited the monks in Egypt, in Palestine, in Syria, and in Mesopotamia, and upon returning to Caesarea, he departed to a hermitage on the Iris River in Pontus, not far from Annesi, where his mother and his sister Macrina were already treading the path of the ascetical life; here he also wrote his ascetical homilies. About the year 370, when the bishop of his country reposed, he was elected to succeed to his throne and was entrusted with the Church of Christ, which he tended for eight years, living in voluntary poverty and strict asceticism, having no other care than to defend holy Orthodoxy as a worthy successor of the Apostles. The Emperor Valens, and Modestus, the Eparch of the East, who were of one mind with the Arians, tried with threats of exile and of torments to bend the Saint to their own confession, because he was the bastion of Orthodoxy in all Cappadocia, and preserved it from heresy when Arianism was at its strongest. But he set all their malice at nought, and in his willingness to give himself up to every suffering for the sake of the Faith, showed himself to be a martyr by volition. Modestus, amazed at Basil's fearlessness in his presence, said that no one had ever so spoken to him. "Perhaps," answered the Saint, "you have never met a bishop before." The Emperor Valens himself was almost won over by Basil's dignity and wisdom. When Valens' son fell gravely sick, he asked Saint Basil to pray for him. The Saint promised that his son would be restated if Valens agreed to have him baptized by the Orthodox; Valens agreed, Basil prayed. the son was restored. But afterwards the Emperor had him baptized by Arians, and the child died soon after. Later, Valens, persuaded by his counsellors, decided to send the Saint into exile because he would not accept the Arians into communion; but his pen broke when he was signing the edict of banishment. He tried a second time and a third, but the same thing happened, so that the Emperor was filled with dread, and tore up the document, and Basil was not banished. The truly great Basil, spent with extreme ascetical practices and continual labours, at the helm of the church, departed to the Lord on the 1st of January, in 379. at the age of forty-nine.

His writings are replete with wisdom and erudition, and rich these gifts he set forth the doctrines concerning the mysteries both of the creation (see his Hexaemeron) and of the Holy Trinity (see On the Holy Spirit). Because of the majesty and keenness of his eloquence, he is honoured as "the revealer of heavenly things" and "the Great." - Saint Basil is also celebrated on January 30th with Saint Gregory the Theologian and Saint John Chrysostom.


Brethren, I make known to you, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ. For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. And I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers. But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus. Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and remained with him fifteen days. But I saw none of the other apostles except James, the Lord’s brother.


Christ says in another place, 'No one knows who the Son is, save the Father; and who the Father is, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son wills to reveal Him' (Luke 10:22). You observe that the Father reveals the Son, and the Son the Father; so it is as to Their glory, the Son glorifies the Father, and the Father the Son; 'glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You' (John 17:1,4). But why does he say, 'to reveal His Son in me,' and not 'to me?' It is to signify that he had not only been instructed in the faith by words, but that he was richly endowed with the Spirit, that the revelation had enlightened his whole soul, and that he had Christ speaking within him...The object, he says, of His thus specially revealing Himself to me, was not only that I might myself behold Him, but that I might also manifest Him to others ...that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, thus touching beforehand on that great ground of his defence which lay in the respective characters of the disciples; for it was necessary to preach differently to the Jews and to the heathen. - St. John Chrysostom. Commentary on Galatians, Chapter 1. B#57, p. 11


At that time when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.” When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt, and was there until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, “Out of Egypt I called My Son.” Then Herod, when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men, was exceedingly angry; and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the wise men. Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, “A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” Now when Herod was dead, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the young Child's life are dead.” Then he arose, took the young Child and His mother, and came into the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea instead of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. And being warned by God in a dream, he turned aside into the region of Galilee. And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, “He shall be called a Nazarene.”

Читање из посланице Галатима светог Апостола Павла (1,11-19)

Браћо, дајем вам на знање, да оно јеванђеље које сам ја јавио, није по човеку. Јер га ја не примих од човека, нити научих, него откривењем Исуса Христа. Јер сте чули моје живљење некад у Јеврејству, да сам одвише гонио цркву Божију и раскопавао је. И напредовах у Јеврејству већма од многих врсника својих у роду свом, и одвише ревновах за отачке своје обичаје. А кад би угодно Богу, који ме изабра од утробе матере моје и призва благодаћу својом. Да јави Сина свог у мени, да Га јеванђељем објавим међу људима незнабошцима; одмах не питах тело и крв, Нити изиђох у Јерусалим к старијим апостолима од себе него отидох у арапску, и опет се вратих у Дамаск. А после тога на три године изиђох у Јерусалим да видим Петра, и остадох у њега петнаест дана. Али другог од апостола не видех, осим Јакова брата Господњег.

Читање светог Јеванђеља по Матеју (2, 13-23)

А пошто они отиду, а то анђео Господњи јави се Јосифу у сну и каза му: Устани, узми дете и матер Његову па бежи у Мисир, и буди онамо док ти не кажем; јер ће Ирод тражити дете да Га погуби. И он уставши узе дете и матер Његову ноћу и отиде у Мисир. И би тамо до смрти Иродове: да се изврши шта је Господ рекао преко пророка који говори: Из Мисира дозвах Сина свог. Тада Ирод, кад виде да су га мудраци преварили, разгневи се врло и посла те побише сву децу по Витлејему и по свој околини његовој од две године и ниже, по времену које је добро дознао од мудраца. Тада се зби шта је казао пророк Јеремија говорећи: Глас у Рами чу се, плач, и ридање, и јаукање много: Рахила плаче за својом децом, и неће да се утеши, јер их нема. А по смрти Иродовој, гле, анђео Господњи у сну јави се Јосифу у Мисиру. И рече: Устани, и узми дете и матер Његову и иди у земљу Израиљеву; јер су изумрли који су тражили душу детињу. И он уставши, узе дете и матер Његову, и дође у земљу Израиљеву. Али чувши да Архелај царује у Јудеји место Ирода оца свог, побоја се онамо ићи; него примивши у сну заповест, отиде у крајеве галилејске. И дошавши онамо, намести се у граду који се зове Назарет, да се збуде као што су казали пророци да ће се Назарећанин назвати.

БЕСЕДА Светог Владике Николаја о томе како се трeба уклањати од зла и чннити добро Уклони се од зла и учини добро (Пс. 33, 15) Овим речима исказан је сав труд наш којим треба да се трудимо овде на земљи и у земљи, то јест на овој земљи материјалној и у овоме телу материјалном. Шта треба, дакле, да буде труд наш? Да стекнемо две навике: једну — уклањати се од зла, и другу — чинити добро. А о томе шта је добро а шта зло, казује нам наша савест непотпуно и нејасно, јер је грехом помрачена, а наука Христова потпуно и јасно. Шта тражи од нас Господ наш, браћо? Тражи да као што су олтари наши увек окренути Истоку, тако и душе наше да буду увек окренуте ка добру. Да остављамо зло иза леђа, у сенци, у понору заборава, у тами бившега, а ми из године у годину, из дана у дан, да се пружамо ка добру: да мислимо о добру, да чезнемо за добром, да говоримо о добру, да чинимо добро. Господ тражи зидаре а не рушиоце. Јер ко зида добро, самим тим руши зло. Ко се пак окрене да руши зло, брзо заборави зидати добро и претвара се у злочинца. Мрзећи на зло, држите се добра (Рим. 12, 9), учи нас апостол Христов. Мрзи на зло, но не мрзи на човека који чини зло, јер је болесник. Ако можеш, лечи болесника, но не убијај га мржњом твојом. Држи се добра, и само добра, јер је добро од Бога, и јер је Бог ризница свих добара. О Господе добри и сведобри, научи нас уклањати се од зла и чинити добро ради славе Твоје и ради спасења нашег. Теби слава и хвала вавек, Амин

Saints of the Week:

31 December / 13 January — Apodosis of the Nativity of Christ - Fast-free period - Our Holy Mother Melanie the Roman - Born in Rome of devout and very wealthy parents, she was forced by them to marry a young nobleman, Pinian. She was taken very seriously ill in giving birth to her second child, and told her husband that she would be healed only if he vowed before God to live with her in future as brother and sister. Her husband agreed and Melanie, in her deep joy, was healed. When it pleased God to take both children to Himself, they agreed to sell all their possessions and give the proceeds to the destitute, the Church and the monasteries. They travelled through many lands and cities, everywhere doing good works. They visited famous spiritual guides in Upper and Lower Egypt, and received much instruction and inspiration from them. During all that time, Melanie lived in strict fasting, fervent prayer and the reading of the Holy Scriptures. She followed the practice of reading the Scriptures right through, the Old and New Testaments, every three years, living with her husband as with a brother and fellow-ascetic. Going to Alexandria, they received the blessing of the Patriarch, St Cyril. After that, they went to Jerusalem and settled on the Mount of Olives. There Melanie became an anchoress, and gave herself completely to pondering, fasting and prayer. She lived thus for fourteen years, after which she came out, to help others to salvation, and founded monasteries for men and women. At the invitation of her kinsman, the senator Volusianus, a pagan, she went to Constantinople and brought him to the Christian faith (something that Blessed Augustine, whom Volusianus knew, had been unable to do). She then returned to the Mount of Olives, where she went to God in 438, at the age of fifty-seven.

Блажени Теофилакт, архиепископ охридски. Рођен на острву Еврипу а васпитан у Цариграду код најзнаменитијих учитеља тога времена. Као клирик Велике Цркве изабран за епископа и послат, мимо своје воље, у Охрид, где је провео око двадесет пет година (од прилике од 1082-1108). Хоматијан Охридски назива га "најмудријим архиепископом". Човек огромне учености, светске и богословске, утанчаног византијског укуса, меланхоличан и осетљив, Теофилакт се осећао међу Словенима у Охриду као изгнаник међу варварима. Написао Тумачења сва четири јеванђеља и других књига Новог Завета. То је најбоље дело те врсте после светог Златоуста, које се и дан-данас чита са великом коришћу. Од осталих његових дела позната су још: Писма, и Живот светог Климента Охридског. У старости свети Теофилакт се повукао из Охрида у Солун где је, како се мисли, и скончао свој земаљски живот и преселио се у блажену вечност.

Св. Василије Велики архиеп. Кесаријски. Рођен у време цара Константина. Још као некрштен учио се 15 година у Атини философији, реторици, астрономији и свима осталим светским наукама тога времена. Школски другови су му били: Григорије Богослов и Јулијан, доцнији цар одступник. У зрелим годинама крстио се на реци Јордану заједно са својим бившим учитељем Евулом. Био епископ Кесарије Кападокијске близу 10 година, а завршио свој земни живот напунив 50 година од рођења. Велики поборник Православља, велика луча моралне чистоте и ревности верске, велики богословски ум, велики стројитељ и стуб цркве Божје - Василије се пунозаслужно назива Великим. У црквеној служби назива се пчелом цркве Христове, која носи мед вернима и жаоком својом боде јеретике. Сачувана су многобројна дела овога Оца Цркве, богословска, апологетска, подвижничка и канонска; исто тако и служба, названа по његовом имену. Ова служба служи се 10 пута у години, и то: 1. јануара, уочи Божића, уочи Богојављења, у све недеље Часног поста осим Цветне, на Велики Четвртак и на Велику Суботу. Мирно се упокоји св. Василије 1. јануара 379. год. и пресели у царство Христово.



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St. John the Baptist 
Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
900 Baker Street, San Francisco, CA 94115
Phone:(415) 567-5869
Fax: (415) 567-5855




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