On January 6th & 7th at the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of the St. John the Baptist, parishioners gathered to celebrated the Nativity of our Lord and Soviour Jesus Christ. Thy Nativity O Christ our God. has shown to the world the light of wisdom! For by it, those who worshiped the stars were taught by a star to adore Thee, the Sun of Righteousness and to know thee, the Orient from on high. O lord, Glorgy to thee!
Saturday, October, 3rd, 2015
The Mladost Folklore Group of the Bay Area Serbian Orthodox Churches (Holy Trinity, St. Archangel Michael, St. George, and St. John the Baptist) invites you FOLK FEST 2015 on Saturday, October 3, 2015, 7PM to 12 Midnight at St. John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Cathedral Social Hall, 900-910 Baker Street, San Francisco.